While Charlie, Rhi, James and Lorna worked on a newly written Fox Family scene, Rob and I staged our new scene BBB scene with the help of Ollie who stood in as Lorna as she is part of both sub groups. This time we worked on a lot of spacial awareness and movement.
To aid us in our movement, after this we were given a workshop on Laban, a Russian practitioner who always displayed a character through motion. He used 3 opposite pairs of movement styles: Light & Heavy, Direct & Indirect and Sudden & Sustained. We applied these styles of movements to our own characters by walking around the studio as our characters, keeping in mind our those 3 opposite pairs. As Bean I was very light as I'm described as "Lean", rather indirect as people with power don't need to be direct because of their status, and finally sustained as Bean is described as a drinker of cider. After this workshop, I ran through our new scene with Lorna and Rob.
To end with, we assigned tasks for people to do for homework. I volunteered to write a new scene for BBB (Still Waiting) and also a scene for the Fox Family
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