Thursday 22 June 2017

Triple - Voice and the Actor - Blog 3 -

Two weeks ago, I created a vocal exercise routine so that I could improve my voice as an actor. The three areas I wanted to train were Articulation, Pitch and Tone. Below is my progress in the three:

Articulation: Where I used to have quite a prominent lisp, I have thoroughly improved and am able to speak more clearly. Where before it was a bit difficult to understand some things I said, I feel that I'm more understandable when I speak.

Pitch: I was very surprised with how different I sound after working on my pitch as I sound like a different person. By just simply breathing from my diaphragm, my voice is a lot deeper than usual.

Tone: From practising using my tone effectively, I am a lot more natural putting emotion into my voice. Where before I would get the meanings of lines wrong, I've improved a lot more in that respect.

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