We started off by watching a powerpoint outlining the key conventions of Naturalism and they are as follows:
- Emotional memory - linking a characters emotions to a time when they felt the same.
- Method of physical actions - changes in the way you act based on the context of the scene and the feelings of the character.
- Subtext - searching for hidden meanings behind what a character is saying; it's not what they're saying, but how they say it.
- Given circumstances - the facts that the play give.
- "If" - Searching through the subtext, and making assumptions on the characters, always thinking "What if..."
- Objective - What the intention of your character is for every line.
- Super-objective - What the intention of your character is throughout the entire scene.
- Through line - the actions which link each objective together.
We then went on to read through the script in our characters and then made annotations on our script, listing all of the Given Circumstances. Below are the given circumstances we found:
- Tanya and Deon are dating
- Tanya and Miles are siblings and are the only British out of the group of South Africans
- Luke and Rosie are the only ones in the group who are 100% supportive of the bombings
- Rosie is the only one who knows Skeets
- Sal lost her accent South African accent