When deciding, I became very interested in the Practitioners section of my mind map and after consideration of my other ideas, I decided to focus solely on practitioners. I was first going to base my entire unit on Bertolt Brecht alone as I felt very confident with him. He was the first practitioner I had ever covered and I'm very familiar with his techniques and motives. However, I felt that this would restrict what I could write about. Based on this thought, I've decided to include two practitioners in my investigation as I felt that this gives me plenty to write about but not an overload to do as I would have if I involved many practitioners. The second practitioner I decided to go with is Antoine Artaud. This is because we are basing a lot of our work in Single and Double on his conventions and he is one of my favourite practitioners alongside Brecht. Additionally, I am going to see, "People, Places and Things," which is a very Artaudian play. I can use any extra knowledge I gain from this production in my work.
Below is my proposal for my investigation title and my justification: