In this outline we also had labelled next to each scene what we had/wanted to have in them. This would highlight the main technique used in each scene. For example, we wanted the You Don't Own Me scene to feature lots of physical theatre so from this we've based our positioning on possibilities for movement. Also, this helped us decide what we'd want from our scenes we hadn't devised yet. When writing, we only wrote down the techniques we had used in the scenes we had done then from this we thought about what we hadn't yet used much and then decided which would be suitable for what we wanted to show in each scene.
For costume, we wanted to have our characters to wearing quite fashionable, modern clothing as piece is set in modern day London. We wanted the change from Hunter to DI Sanderson to be very distinguishable but quick. Baring this in mind, we have Charlie take off his hat and roll up his sleeves.
After this we began discussing different ideas for Hunter asking out Shanice. One point that Charlie pointed out was that we take a significant jump from the pair's teenage romance to domestic abuse. With this point brought up we decided that we should make the asking out scene much longer by adding on the end how the pair's relationship blossomed from a school crush to engagement. We agreed that we'd discuss properly how we'd show this later but our first impressions were to show it with still images/freeze frames followed with either narration or thought tracks.
We then focused on the beginning of the, "Asking Out," scene. Our initial thoughts were to use projection to display texts happening between the pair but we wanted the projection to a video of the texts happening but we were unsure how to do this. I then came up with a new approach featuring placards. Below is the outline of what our new idea:
- Shanice and Hunter would enter and sit on opposite sides of the table and go about their normal lives in their bedrooms as if the other isn't there. This creates the abstract barrier between the pair.
- Hunter would decided to message Shanice. I would enter in all blacks with placards. Once hunter had sent the text, I would play a text tone to signify Shanice has received it and hold a placard shaped like a text speech bubble above Hunter's head from behind him. We would all freeze giving the audience an opportunity to read it then we'd continue this throughout their conversation; conversation details Hunter asking Shanice out on a date.
After all agreeing on the idea, we decided that next lesson we were going to make these speech bubble placards.